BlueFoot FAQs
Q: What makes BlueFoot different?
A: BlueFoot is committed to mutually beneficial collaborative efforts to drive sustainability by actively recruiting and assisting regional sustainability champions to create a larger, more impactful, thoughtful, and engineered regional circular economy. The continued viability of regional environmental and agricultural resources is central to our mission.
Q: How does BlueFoot contribute to sustainability?
A: BlueFoot contributes to sustainability by actively fostering collaboration and innovation to bring people together to create the sustainable future. By focusing on effective use of regional agricultural and renewable resources to create jobs, reduce waste, and promote economic and social well-being, it becomes evident that BlueFoot aligns well with several of the UN goals.
Q: How can I get involved with sustainability and the creation of a circular economy?
A: You can join the Revolution and subscribe to a newsletter or other media outlet to be kept abreast of opportunities to become involved.
A: You can share the BlueFoot vision within your networks.
A: You can contribute to Biotech Applied Research, a non-profit focused on sustainable agriculture (Sven is a founding member on the Board of Directors) BAR
A: You can introduce us to new technologies that promote sustainability.
A: Explore volunteer or internship opportunities with BlueFoot or other local companies to contribute your expertise.
A: You can engage with us more formally through collaborations or business ventures – what ideas do you have?
Q: How can I get in touch with BlueFoot?
A: Email us: Sven@BlueFootSustainability.com or give a text or call – 352/201-9848
A: Simply connect with Barron or Sven via LinkedIn. We talk to new people all the time, and would be very interested in connecting with you to discuss sustainability.
A: You can also use our Contact Form